The project stems from an interest in the phenomenon of “resonance” and from the observation of how it is sympathetically transferred from matter to sound and light, as it is from human social organisation to animal and plant life one.
Starting from laboratory experimentation with acoustically resonant materials (harmonic steel, crystal glass or polystyrene) and visually resonant ones (photosensitive pigments and laser light), the exploration gave rise to a live performance consisting of distant material sounds that merge into pulsating electro loops, rich of low frequencies and glitch-noise drifts.
The sound interacts in real-time with the laser projection and drives its visual behaviour, drawing vibrant and restless landscapes on a continuously redefined horizon of rapidly dissolving “visual resonances”.
Ex also refers to what had been and no longer is, something of which all that remains is a fleeting memory, a smouldering shadow.
Il progetto nasce dall’interesse per il fenomeno della “risonanza” e dall’osservazione di come essa si trasferisca simpaticamente dalla materia, al suono e alla luce, così come dall’organizzazione sociale umana a quella animale e vegetale.
Attraverso la sperimentazione di laboratorio con materiali risonanti come l’acciaio armonico, lo specchio o il polistirolo, e tra pigmenti fotosensibili e la luce laser, l’esplorazione ha dato vita a una live performance costituita da strumenti sonori “materici” microfonati, filtrati ed effettati, che si innestano su basi elettroniche ritmiche, ricche di frequenze basse e di derive glitch-noise.
I suoni, interagendo in real-time con la proiezione laser, ne pilotano il comportamento visivo, disegnano paesaggi vibranti e inquieti in un orizzonte costantemente ridefinito da “risonanze visive” in rapida dissoluzione.
Ex rimanda anche a ciò che è stato e non è più, qualcosa del quale non ci resta che un ricordo fugace, un’ombra di luce.
Percussions: Lorenzo D’Erasmo
Electronics: Massimiliano Gusmini, Antonio Cavadini
Laser: Luca Pertegato, Daniele Mancini
Software development: Daniele Mancini
Concept & production: Otolab, 2020
Total time: about 30 minutes
Special thanks for support:
Alberto Novello
Martino Coffa
Francesco Caracciolo
Photo: Francesco Caracciolo – Screenshots: Otolab archive
Ex, technical rider
Required equipment
– Stereo P.A. + Subwoofers
– Balanced audio cables from our audio mixer to P.A.
– 1 x H150x100×50 cm stand: for the laser mirror;
– 2 tables 150×100 cm: for audio and laser devices;
– 1 small table 50×50 cm: for the acoustic mirror;
– 1 adjustable stand H 100>250 cm: for the harmonic steel plate;
– 1 adjustable stand H 100>250 cm: for the laser projector;
– 3 multi socket plugs at the tables.
Instrumentation provided by otolab
– 1 black photoluminescent projection screen L 800 × H 200 cm;
– 1 x 2000 mW RGB laser;
– 1 8-channel stage mixer;
– 1 harmonic steel plate H 200 x W 50 cm;
– 1 acoustic mirror 30×30 cm;
– 1 85×50 cm mirror for laser;
– Audio synths and electronic effects.